Sunday, 8 December 2013

visitors: my dad

Last month my dad came to visit for a few days before Thanksgiving. We were so, so excited to have him here - to spend time with him, to show him around our new home, and for Joshua to get some quality Grandpa time. It had only been about three months since we left the US, but we were really excited to see family. 

Funny side note: My dad had a flight out of O'Hare the same morning that we were flying to Cayman on a one-way ticket in August. We were able to eat breakfast together in the airport and he saw us off at our gate! So his was the last familiar face we saw before we moved to Cayman, and the first one since we moved. 

It was a quick visit (Sunday afternoon to Wednesday morning) but we loved every minute of it. (Well, I guess I can't speak for Joshua who threw a fit every time we tried to eat at a restaurant... but maybe that's how he shows love? In tantrums?)

We visited the Cayman Turtle Farm one morning and tried out some restaurants, but mostly we just did a lot of this:

My dad was staying at The Westin which has beautiful beach access. So we took advantage of that quite a bit.

We loved having my dad here! Of course, the trip was way too short so we look forward to having him come back again soon!